Hellsing Ultimate 4 DVD

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Secretary Of Pocky
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Hellsing Ultimate 4 DVD

Post by Secretary Of Pocky »

So, today instead of actually accomplishing anything useful, I went out to buy the LE Hellsing Ultimate 4 DVD. The actual OVA was just as much of a Hellsing love-fest as the previous three OVAs, but this one had an especially wonderful extra feature on the second disc. If you watched the OVA, you'll remember the Major's speech about how much he loves war. Well, the LE second disc has a karaoke version of the SIX MINUTE monologue.

A blog article will come soon enough, but just thought I'd let people know about the LE version's bonus, in my mind one of the best extra features on an anime DVD.....ever.
"I love it when Masaaki Endoh shouts things. Attack names in particular, but he could shout just about anything and I'd be happy. When my mother passes, I want Endoh to deliver the news, so instead of getting sad I get really pumped about it."
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Re: Hellsing Ultimate 4 DVD

Post by Ysterath »

OMG!!! That is just plain amazing :D is the "Karaoke" is Japanese or English or both?
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Secretary Of Pocky
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Re: Hellsing Ultimate 4 DVD

Post by Secretary Of Pocky »

If you mean the Major's voice, it is the dub, but the audio can be adjusted to raise/lower the Major's volume.
"I love it when Masaaki Endoh shouts things. Attack names in particular, but he could shout just about anything and I'd be happy. When my mother passes, I want Endoh to deliver the news, so instead of getting sad I get really pumped about it."
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Re: Hellsing Ultimate 4 DVD

Post by Ysterath »

Yea sorry, I meant dub :) That amuses me to no end
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