Video Games Live

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Video Games Live

Post by Mike »

Video Games Live is a tour produced by video game composers Jack Wall and Tommy Tallarico. They basically travel around the world and perform video game music with local symphonies and choirs. Last week, they came to Long Island, so I made sure I was there.

It was really incredible, and I fortunately was able to record several songs with my camera and put them up on youtube. There were many more that I couldn't record due to limited memory card space. My favorites were probably the Myst and Civ IV medleys, mostly because the music from those games was completely new to me and just blew me away (while the Zelda/Mario/etc songs I had heard a thousand times already).

Anyway, enjoy, and let me know what you think.
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Secretary Of Pocky
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Re: Video Games Live

Post by Secretary Of Pocky »

I went to this in Philadelphia last year and enjoyed the entire experience of the event. Like you said, there were some songs that were unremarkable because of being overplayed (One Winged Angel for example?), there were other acts that I could not believe had music so grand.

And they will be playing in Newark, NJ on December 27, so all those in the NY metro area who are interested in their act and could not make it last week will be able to hear them play.
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Re: Video Games Live

Post by Szethrusi »

^______________________________________^ MYST ^______________________________________^

It's by far the best one. Civ IV and Warcraft are pretty good too.
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Re: Video Games Live

Post by SoxMike »

This is in Boston (i.e. 1 hour from where I live) on November 21. That's the Friday BEFORE Thanksgiving. They suck.

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