Epic Mickey

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Secretary Of Pocky
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Joined: Tue Apr 15, 2008 9:42 pm
Real name: Joseph Wojciechowski

Epic Mickey

Post by Secretary Of Pocky »

So, I was reading a Gamespot (lol) article just a couple of minutes ago, and found out about an incredibly awesome sounding game. The title is in the Topic Name, and it's made by Warren Spector (creator of Deus Ex and Thief)

Concept art looks amazing.

Epic Mickey

And if you don't want to click the link, here's the screens.
Goofy Zombie
Goofy Zombie
goofy_zombie276_screen.jpg (33.55 KiB) Viewed 21962 times
sea_transport413_screen.jpg (45.34 KiB) Viewed 21962 times
"I love it when Masaaki Endoh shouts things. Attack names in particular, but he could shout just about anything and I'd be happy. When my mother passes, I want Endoh to deliver the news, so instead of getting sad I get really pumped about it."
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