The Importance of Being Earnest

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The Importance of Being Earnest

Post by Jed »

Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest will be performed at the CTA this month. It's one of my favourite plays...light-hearted, punny, and mildly romantic. I'm thinking of going and seeing it. If you're interested in tagging along, reply here! Soon! Let me know which dates work for you.

Performance dates are September 18-20, 25-27. I can't find specific show times online, but they're on posters all over campus. Tickets are $8.

The last time I saw something at the CTA, it was some weird modernesque artsy rendition of Shakespeare's A Comedy of Errors. Here's hoping this performance is more traditional. Anyway, it was long enough ago that I don't remember exactly if CTA tickets tend to get sold out...but I think they do. So we'd better figure this out soon!
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Re: The Importance of Being Earnest

Post by hanyou-no-miko »

They do indeed, but I have every intention of being part of the crew working on the costumes for that show, so I might have a better chance of scoring some if I know how many and if people pay me back.
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Re: The Importance of Being Earnest

Post by Szethrusi »

This is worth seeing. Do go watch it if you haven't.
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