Animenext Post-Con

Post here to seek cosplay help, share tips, show off your latest creations. Also discuss upcoming and recent anime conventions.
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Animenext Post-Con

Post by hanyou-no-miko »

So ANext is over; what did people think? I know I saw Joe and Eric o'Hanlon there. Who else went?

Also I won TWO cosplay awards! :D In construction I got Photographer's Choice for Sango (thanks for the help on Hiraikotsu, Satan!Mike!) and me, Kim, and my friend Trees got a judge's choice for our masquerade skit. :D
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Secretary Of Pocky
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Re: Animenext Post-Con

Post by Secretary Of Pocky »

I enjoyed AnimeNext, although I did not go to the Masquerade. However, I did enjoy everything I did see and was amused by some of the events that went on during the weekend.

Congrats on the awards by the way! :D
"I love it when Masaaki Endoh shouts things. Attack names in particular, but he could shout just about anything and I'd be happy. When my mother passes, I want Endoh to deliver the news, so instead of getting sad I get really pumped about it."
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