[CJAS Otakon] Otakon 2007!

James Kao jmk17 at cornell.edu
Thu Oct 19 03:21:53 EDT 2006

Otakon 2007 is still quite a long time away (July 20-22), but not so
far away that many hotels have already filled up.

As with previous years, I've reserved a set of rooms for CJASers and
their friends in preparation.

If you are interested in going to Otakon 2007 and staying with us,
please send me an e-mail. There is no-obligation, so even if you are
still unsure but are considering it, let me know so that I can keep
you in the loop regarding future developments.

If, for some reason, I get so many responses that I don't have enough
space to handle the worst-case scenario, I will send an e-mail out
with more information, but that has never happened in the
past. Historically, I've never had to turn anyone away who asked for

Generally speaking, we go 6 people to a room, with a cost of around
$60-$80 per person for the whole weekend. Thursday nights are
extra. There will be a online web system for picking what room to go
into so that you can decide who your roommates will be.

So, again, if you think you might be coming to Otakon 2007 and want to
stay with us, please send me a no-obligation e-mail. Also, this offer
is extended to non-cjas friends you may know. So feel free to pass
this information along. When e-mailing me, please include your real
name if it's not indicated in your e-mail address.


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