[CJAS Otakon] Otakon 2007!

Pavel N. Krivitsky pnk2 at cornell.edu
Sun Feb 11 19:36:01 EST 2007

Hi, James,

I want to confirm that I am on the CJAS Otakon 2007 mailing list. There
is a very good chance that I will be able to go.

Do you know if there is going to be a carpool from Ithaca to Baltimore
and back? Who should I contact about that?


On Thu, 2006-10-19 at 03:21 -0400, James Kao wrote:
> Otakon 2007 is still quite a long time away (July 20-22), but not so
> far away that many hotels have already filled up.
> As with previous years, I've reserved a set of rooms for CJASers and
> their friends in preparation.
> If you are interested in going to Otakon 2007 and staying with us,
> please send me an e-mail. There is no-obligation, so even if you are
> still unsure but are considering it, let me know so that I can keep
> you in the loop regarding future developments.
> If, for some reason, I get so many responses that I don't have enough
> space to handle the worst-case scenario, I will send an e-mail out
> with more information, but that has never happened in the
> past. Historically, I've never had to turn anyone away who asked for
> space.
> Generally speaking, we go 6 people to a room, with a cost of around
> $60-$80 per person for the whole weekend. Thursday nights are
> extra. There will be a online web system for picking what room to go
> into so that you can decide who your roommates will be.
> So, again, if you think you might be coming to Otakon 2007 and want to
> stay with us, please send me a no-obligation e-mail. Also, this offer
> is extended to non-cjas friends you may know. So feel free to pass
> this information along. When e-mailing me, please include your real
> name if it's not indicated in your e-mail address.
> Thanks!
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> otakon at cjas.org
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