[CJAS Otakon] Otakon 2013 Affinity Hotel Confirmation and Friend Assignment Are Open

James M. Kao jmk17 at cornell.edu
Fri Jun 28 01:10:11 EDT 2013

Hi all,

Quick summary:
 * Links with Information
 * Affinity is open (hotel confirmation and friend selection)
 * Thursday night hotel
 * Need volunteers:
   * Otakon Gameshow
   * Dinner organization
 * Adding people to my list


Wiki Page with logistical information:http://www.cjas.org/mwiki/Otakon2012

Mailing list archives to see how things went in previous


You should have received an e-mail today indicating that I have opened up
registration for Otakon 2013 Hotel. If you are not interested in staying
with the hotel block I am arranging, feel free to ignore the message.

The hotel this year is the Sheraton Baltimore Inner Harbor. With our
traditional 6 per room staying arrangement, that will work out to $125
for the whole weekend.

As with previous years, hotel registration will be done using the affinity
web application, which allows you to specify your roommate preferences.
Here are the important dates and steps:

By July 15:

Log into affinity at: http://www.cjas.org/affinity

Confirm your intent by clicking "Confirm Intent" in the left
navbar. While doing so, you can indicate whether you'd prefer a 4
person or 6 person room. Unlike previous years, because I was unable
to secure any rooms with 2 beds, we will only be going 4 to a room, so
this preference doesn't matter.

Also, check back periodically to select and update your affinities. This
indicates the people you would prefer to room with, and is very important
for the room selection process. It makes room selection less of a race, and
helps make sure that everyone gets to stay with whom they want.

Between July 15 and August 2:

Log into affinity and select your room. You can see who else is already in
a room when you make your choice.

Remember that each account in affinity can only be assigned a single slot.
So if you are attending with your significant other, etc..., each person
needs to have their own account and is responsible for their own


If you plan on arriving on Thursday, please visit the Otakon 2013 wiki page
<http://www.cjas.org/mwiki/Otakon2012>3) and add yourself to the list
the "Thursday Night Arrivals" section. Make sure to include your cell phone
number, since that is how I will reach you in order to get you access to
your room when you arrive.

You must list yourself by JULY 26, otherwise I will NOT have any space for
you on Thursday and you WILL be left to fend for yourself.


As in previous years, we are handling the Otakon Game Show this year and
need volunteers. Those people who indicated they were willing to help out
in the signup web form will be contacted.

We also need a volunteer for the CJAS dinner. I'm hoping for a
volunteer this year, so if you're interested please let me know.
Unlike e-board dinner, this won't be a vote. You will have total
control. :)


This year instead of having people email me to get on my list, I had a web
form for people to fill out.

If there are still people you know who might join us, point them to this
Google Docs survey:


If you aren't sure if you or someone else filled out this form, rather than
entering a duplicate entry, you can check the list at:
http://bit.ly/cjas-otakon-hotel-2013-list <http://bit.ly/oh2012list>

Of course, if you received an affinity invite e-mail, you are on the list.
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