[CJAS Otakon] Room Chairs & Otakon Game Show

Penelope Barbalios pbarbalios at gmail.com
Wed Jul 23 17:04:51 EDT 2014

Hi James, I'm really sorry but both Kayla and I are working the whole
weekend in Artist Alley & won't be able to volunteer. Does this mean we're
bumped out of the rooms? Or would we be able to stay by paying extra for
our spots?

On Wed, Jul 23, 2014 at 4:36 PM, James Kao <jmk17 at cornell.edu> wrote:

> Hi all,
> Just a reminder to those in Room 1 and Room 2 that I need someone from
> each room to volunteer as the room chair. Click "Volunteer" in the left
> hand menu.
> Also, for those who are able to help with the Otakon Game Show on Friday
> (esp. Mike I., Nnaemeka, and Yeh who volunteered on the sign-up form),
> please list yourself on the wiki, especially if you don't have an Otakon
> Game Show T-shirt so that I can size my order for this year.
> We are also having our dress rehearsal on Google Hangouts this Sunday at
> 10AM for all who want to join, especially for those who are considering or
> able to assist. Go to:
> https://plus.google.com/events/chbjmq1bf373jg2hk70lgo14khs?
> authkey=CLOn4oWvqt-GCQ
> To add yourself to the event.
> Thanks!
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Freelance Illustrator
PBarbalios at gmail.com
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