[CJAS Otakon] Payment Info, Room 1 Chair, Other

Penelope Barbalios pbarbalios at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 00:22:08 EDT 2014

Hey James. I'm not sure if you received my last email regarding this but
Kayla and I are working in artist alley the entire weekend. Does this mean
we get bumped off the list? Can someone else from room1 please volunteer?

On Jul 28, 2014 12:16 AM, "James Kao" <jmk17 at cornell.edu> wrote:

> Hi everyone, Otakon is really close now, and it looks like we have our
> rooms packed in now.
> Room 1 still requires a room chair. I will need Kathy, Kayla,
> Penelope, or Nnaemeka to volunteer, preferably someone arriving on
> Thursday.
> The cost for the rooms this year will be $100 per person. Thursday
> night will not be extra.
> My preferred way of taking payment is via Amazon Payments with a
> credit card. Please go to:
> http://payments.amazon.com
> And do a "Send Money" to my email address: jmk17 at cornell.edu
> I can also take credit cards at the convention via Square, or you can
> pay me by cash or check.
> Thanks, and see you all soon!
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