Many of you probably wonder how our club started. This article summarizes our activities of these past two years. The rest of our club's history [The History of CJAS -Ed.] can be seen on our webpage at During the 95-96 school year, Doris Chan was our president. Under her leadership, we continued new trends such as manga club and executive board lunches. We had professors lecture on anime classics such as Totoro and The Tale of Genji, and we sponsored Japanese lessons. Allen Chen created the club webpage. This year, we have also accomplished many new things. First, we have continued with manga club, which still meets on Tuesday nights. The club webpage was also turned over to Thomas Chan and James Yang, who revamped it. In addition, we have added a new mailing list to talk to University of Kyoto students who love anime just as much as we do. We have also had more members than ever before -- a total of 138 members for this semester and 123 from last semester. As a club, we participated in the Japan Culture Day on March 28th and in Japan Day at the Johnson Museum on April 12th. In addition to all the other stuff we plan to do next year, we hope to show some cool anime to incoming freshmen during Orientation week and will try to get a manga artist to come to Cornell in the fall. It has been a long, hard road, but our club has prospered. With continued support from all of you, the club should do well in the future. I hope that all of you had a good time and will continue to come to CJAS next year. For those of you who are graduating, best of luck in whatever path you take after Cornell. |