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Gift Fanart

Here are a few images that were kindly given to me as gifts. (from most to least recent)

Please respect the wishes of the original artists. Do not reproduce these images without permission.


Artist: Sabrina TOBAL

Sabrina (20) lives in France (in Thonon next to Evian). She loves lain, has lots of manga, and wants to become a mangaka. I think she's well on her way. ^_^ I really dig Sabrina's vision of Lain. I look forward to seeing more of her work.


Artist: Shawn Hollern

Shawn (18) is a freelance animator from Pennsylvania. He respects all forms of animation, and he drew this picture of Lain as a token of appreciation towards the creators of the series. He wrote, "i drew her a little older than she originally is, but lain really has no age so i dont really see it as that big of a problem. anyway, i hope you like it." I do. Thank you.


Artist: Dirk Prenzel

This was an unusual submission, to say the least. If I interpreted his email correctly, Dirk experienced a major life-changing event, and he created this piece to share his thoughts about that and to help anyone who might want to make the same journey.


Artist: Walton Stowell

Walton sent me this cover of a compilation CD he made of Lain songs and other related music. He wrote, "It is a montage of my sketch of Lain (based on a poster) combined with a magazine photo of Mies inspired architecture." Very cool!


Artist: Citlali Olguin Martinez

Citlali (25 years old, from Mexico) is a senior at UABC studying Mass Media. About the work, Citlali writes: "I did it on Paint and worked some details on Photo Editor (I like going simple). Also, I'd like to explain why I chose to do it like it is- I've noticed in most of Lain FanArt that only Lain is featured, and few works include other characters; not to mention that save in doujinshis there's almost no fanart treating the Lain/Alice issue. So I went for a romantic take (after all the series does hint at Lain's growing emotions for Alice), and went for the use of bright colors rather than the almost-obligated darker, paler ones. I know it looks weird, but it's all I could do in a short period of time, and I hope it's of your enjoyment...The title of the drawing owes to an early BoA song, also called "AndThen She Kissed Her", which I feel suits Lain pretty well. = )"
I like it very much indeed. Thanks!

casual_sm.jpg inside_sm.jpg sense_sm.jpg

Artist: Joshua Mathews

Joshua (23) is from Oklahoma. He drew these pieces when he was 20.


Artist: Penny

I only met Penny (short for Penelope) a few days ago, but I've already discovered that she's J-rocker obsessed, anime addicted, a very talented artist, and an incurable computer junkie...all at the age of 15. I'm duly honored that she gave me this fanart. The piece above was created using Photoshop (in about 30 minutes, according to Penny). Be sure to check out her blog/collective: Daily delerium


Artist: Janice

Janice, whose art graces TEL's main page, sent me another beautiful artwork that she made, congratulating me on the success of our fanart contest.
Atelier Janice-Der Magier
Atelier Janice-Der Magier


Artist: Ping

"I'm a 20yrs-old sophomore college student, currently studying in the States (I'm from Thailand). My major is visual art (i'm obsessed at doodling since I was born). This fanart is my first attempt at integrating my drawings into computer and utilizing Photoshop. After finishing the series, I couldn't get over Lain's eyes; they're so deep and mysterious. So here it is, an imaginary mature pose of Lain in her "wired" room." - ping


Artist: Raquel

Raquel, a self-proclaimed thirteen year old fangirl, sent me this mouse drawing of Lain. Definitely unique from a stylistic point of view, but it's been growing on me. Very edgy!

click for larger image

Artist: phoenix

"I'm a 21 year old anime otaku and mostly self-taught artist, currently taking a break from college for a while where I was a studio art major.
The drawing is something I pretty much just sat down and decided to do one day. I had been browsing your site and was getting in the 'Lain spirit'. Later that day I took my Lain dvd cases to my art desk and drew my version of the common Lain scene from the first dvd volume." - phoenix

click for larger image

Artist: Jason Street

Another work by Jason Street (see below), this time with a Chinese motif. ^_^


Artist: Cione Shelly

Cione (17) is a self-taught artist and lain fan who lives in Georgia. She writes "if anyone ever needs a lain layer/song/or picture all they have to do is ask me". The piece above is actually Cione as Lain. Cione has the following sites on Elfwood:

click for larger image

Artist: Charlie

Charlie (22 years old and just out of college) is an aspiring artist/musician. According to him, this piece was created "in Photoshop using a Wacom Tablet and a *lot* of references. I was a big-time dork and also did a whole bunch of preliminary studies to make sure I got everything right. =P" As far as I'm concerned, it turned out great. Much thanks to Charlie for sharing this beautiful and profoundly moving vision of Lain.

click for larger image
Download skin (17k)

Artist: harnir

harnir is a 20-year-old student and enthusiastic lain fan in Poland who I've had the pleasure of chatting with on IRC. He created this minimalist and aesthetically-pleasing Winamp skin that I've been using lately, and he offered to let me post it here on TEL for all to enjoy. I hope you like it as much as I do. If you're curious, you should also take a look at this very cool desktop screenshot that harnir sent me.
My space. My place.
My space. My place.


Artist: Windarrow

Like myself, Windarrow was a member of the (now-defunct) Anime Grapevine community and an active participant on the lain forum that I was the 'moderator' of. By the way, Windarrow's lain desktop wallpapers are amazing. You can find them at the site below.
Windarrow's Cloud Layer
Windarrow's Cloud Layer


Artist: Jason Street

Jason Street (see below) sent me this screen capture that he modified. Specifically, he added the two Lains in the background. Click on "1" to see a photograph of his computer setup. I'm secretly pleased that the page he's got loaded is TEL. ^_^

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Artist: Charlotte

After reading through TEL, Charlotte drew me this fanart (by mouse). The "thought experiments lain" in the corner is a nice touch. ^_^

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Artist: Joanne Cheng

According to the profile on her blog, Joanne likes "running, trumpet playing, and sleeping." Hey, I used to play trumpet, too! Ah, the joys of high school. ^_^

According to Joanne: "The picture was just a random doodle that i played around with on photoshop, since i'm still new at it." Interesting trivia: "at Otakon 2000, i was the [weird short] girl who asked, 'in the last layer, when lain resets herself, where does she go, does she still interact with the real world?' Definatly a cool experience talking to them. =D". Nifty! Thanks for sharing, Joanne!

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Artist: India Davis

I came across India's wonderful portrayal of Lain on Elfwood (1 | 2) . I wrote to India, introduced myself, and asked if I could display her art on TEL. It turns out she was already a reader of this site, and beyond all expectation, she generously gave me the image as a gift! Needless to say, I am thrilled. Thanks, India!


Artist: Benjamin Riley

Ben Riley is the creator of The Midlands, a web comic hosted on Keenspace. Check it out. Regarding the image, he wrote: "Those power lines are from a photo taken right outside my house. Needless to say, the incessant humming keeps me up all night." Would you want it any other way, Ben? ^_-
The Midlands
The Midlands

1 | 2

Artist: Jason Street

Jason (29) kindly sent me some photos of his Lain fan art. Jason is from Louisiana and also spends time in Reynosa, Mexico. This work was done in various media: pen/ink, water color, acrylic. I think it's fabulous!

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Artist: Janice

Janice is a student in Hong Kong. I first saw her lain fanart on Joysuke's page, and I immediately fell in love with it. I emailed Janice, and she generously drew me this image which currently graces the main page of thought experiments lain. If you like this one as much as I do, I highly recommend you visit the gallery on Janice's website "Atelier Janice-Der Magier".
Atelier Janice-Der Magier
Atelier Janice-Der Magier

click for larger image

Artist: Kokujin

Kokujin, also known as Christian Cain, was the webmaster of the (now-defunct) "Layers" website (which, by the way, was definitely one of the best lain sites around). Unlike myself, he seems to have an artistic streak. ^_^ A newfound friend, we inevitably crossed paths on the Wired due to our parallel interest in serial experiments lain.

Kokujin also gave me this cool soundfile he made: Present_Day(Wired_Remix).wma (328K). Check it out!

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Last updated on March 4th, 2004
Lawrence Eng