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serial experiments lain Playstation Game

lain PSX cover
NTSC : Japan

Copyright 1998
All rights reserved.

SLPS 01603~4
5,800 Yen
Release date: 11/26/98

I get a lot of emails from people wanting to know more about this game. Here are the answers to some of the more common questions people have asked.

1. How is the game related to the anime?

See here.

2. What is the game like, and what is it about?

First off, lain for Playstation is barely a game at all. If anything, it's more like surfing the web. The entire point of the game is to explore the network--listening to audio clips of journal entries and watching short animations to unravel the mystery of Lain. I haven't played the entire game (it's 2 discs long), but from what I did play, I found it a bit tedious making my way through all the files looking for something interesting (mainly the short movie files, since I can't understand the Japanese audio clips). Overall, the game's dark mood and mysterious atmosphere are very much in line with the anime. lain for Playstation is not something I'd recommend to casual fans, but no serious collector should be without it. ^_-

The most comprehensive review of the game I could find was written by Keisuke Shindo, who translated the lain anime scripts you'll find on this site. He posted the following review on the serial experiments lain mailing list back when it was on (the now defunct) Listbot:

Subject: Lain for Playstation (long and spoiler)

3. Where can I get the game?

The game is fairly hard to find, and there's no English-language version available. You might try asking around at various stores (online and offline) that carry Japanese-import PSX games. Every once in awhile, a copy will appear on ebay (or other auction sites), but it's not common. If you do see it on ebay, expect some heavy competition from other bidders. I finally got ahold of the game at Otakon 2001. I payed $100 for it. Do not ask me for a copy.

4. What does the game look/sound like?

A. Here are a few screencaptures that I made:

psx01sm.jpg psx02sm.jpg psx03sm.jpg
psx04sm.jpg psx05sm.jpg psx06sm.jpg
psx07sm.jpg psx08sm.jpg psx09sm.jpg
psx10sm.jpg psx11sm.jpg psx12sm.jpg

B. Here are some short commercials for the game:

psx-a.mpg | psx-b.mpg

C. Various video clips from the game can be found on YouTube and other websites.

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