[CJAS Otakon] Post-Otakon activity

John David Garza otakon@cjas.org
Fri, 17 Aug 2001 11:42:13 -0500


Well, I hope everybody had a blast at otakon... As for me, I think it was
the best con i've been to yet, altho I think the room block james set-up
was the main reason for that. Thanks James!


I was thinking, it'd be nice if we could give everybody (everybody, being
everybody from cjas who went to otakon) feedback.  I wanna be able to have
this sort of experience again next year, and hopefully, a better one.

Also, for those that grouped with james's hotel block, it'd be nice to get
feedback on how to make that better, whether it was Affinity or actual room

It'd be awesome if we could get each room to write up a article for the
newsletter.  If every room had at least half as much activity as the gaming
room did, it'd be well worth the read, don'tcha think?

Ok, i wanted to keep this email short, so that ppl wouldn't skip over it,
so ja ne!

-John David Garza
irc server: irc.cjas.org  #cjas