[CJAS Otakon] Eric Jones, James Kao, Joseph Wojciechowski, Pavel Krivitsky

James Kao jmk17 at cornell.edu
Fri Jul 25 22:12:30 EDT 2008

The 4 people named in the subject have not yet selected rooms for
themselves. If you are one of these people, please log into affinity
and click "Select Room" on the left menu ASAP.

(Yes, there are 2 James Kao's in our hotel block this year. Only one
of them is me.)

The following people have not yet confirmed their intent to join our
hotel block:
 Anthony Tzeng
 Dave Kettler
 Josh Pothen 
 Katherine Coumes
 Mike Crivaro 
 Ryan Bedaw 
 Tyler Vickers

It is possible that some (perhaps all) of them are unable to come or
have found alternative arrangements, which is fine. However, if you
know any of these people and believe that they will be staying in our
block, please pester them ASAP to log into affinity and click "Confirm
Intent" in the left menu. If they do not, their slots will be given


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