[CJAS Otakon] Otakon Game Show Prep/Panic Meeting

Raymond Chong drtofu77 at yahoo.com
Tue Jul 30 15:44:56 EDT 2013

Hello James, this is Raymond Chong.  Unfortunately, I won't be able to attend the game show on Friday night as I will be working until 5:30pm that Friday and won't be into Baltimore until late that evening or early Saturday morning. I'm still willing to help review questions or assist with pre-show prep, if you'd like.
Please let me know of any other way I can help.  

Raymond Chong

 From: James Kao <jmk17 at cornell.edu>
To: otakon at cjas.org 
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2013 9:28 AM
Subject: [CJAS Otakon] Otakon Game Show Prep/Panic Meeting

Thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with the Otakon Game Show
this year.

This year's game show will be on Friday night. Hopefully all of those
who checked the box indicating that you can help with the game show on
Friday night will be able to attend.

We're having a prep meeting on Google Hangouts this coming weekend.

Please visit:


And indicate which time slots will work for you.

Please do this on Tuesday or Wednesday, and I'll send out the
consensus set time on Thursday/Friday.

The blocks are 4 hours long, but hopefully it will not take that long.

Our agenda will be:

* Quick walkthrough of the game show
* Review at-show activities/tasks
* Review of the game-show operation process by Jerry
* Review of the SMS operation process by James
* Review of the setup and extras (e.g. camerawork)
* Role assignment

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