[CJAS Otakon] Final Room Pricing and Payment

James Kao jmk17 at cornell.edu
Tue Jul 14 20:21:19 EDT 2009

Ok, now that all our rooms are packed in, I'm able to compute the
final pricing. You may pay me 2 ways:

(1) Via PayPal before the con to: jmk17 at cornell.edu (Instant Transfer
or e-check only, sorry, I can't take credit cards).

(2) Via Check or Cash at the con

Paypal is the preferred option for me, since it saves me the hassle
of dealing with tons of paper, but I expect that many of you won't be
able to pay me this way.

I'm asking room chairs to help me collect fees from people in their
rooms, I think all the room chairs have stayed with the group before
and know what they need to do.

The price schedule is on the wiki, the per-person costs are:

Room 1
Agnes Cheung	 $75.00 
Bobby Chow	 $75.00 
Dave Klemish	 $75.00 
Hoi Leung	 $75.00 
Mike Inguagiato	 $75.00 
Yuki Hirokawa	 $75.00 

Room 2
Eric Jones	 $110.00 
Eric Yu	 $140.00 
James Kao	 $140.00 
Joseph Wojciechowski	 $110.00 
Nathan Benson	 $110.00 
Nnaemeka Madubata	 $75.00 

Room 3
Aidan Schwarz	 $110.00 
Charles Lin	 $75.00 
John Cedeno	 $110.00 
Liz Corson	 $75.00 
Martha Beaudin	 $110.00 
Penelope Hutton	 $110.00 

Room 4
Alyssa Mango	 $110.00 
Emma Caldwell	 $110.00 
Greg Harris	 $110.00 
James Kao	 $-   
Kathy Moon	 $110.00 
Stacy Houghton	 $110.00 

Room 5
Ginger Anne London	 $175.00 
Jen Wicks	 $175.00 
Michela Dee	 $175.00 
Nikki Notaro	 $175.00 


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